On Friday night, Grandma and Grandpa brought pizza over and hung out with us for a few hours. On Saturday, Ayla went to Yeh-Yeh and Nai-Nai's house in the morning so I could attend a friend's baby shower. I love baby showers...celebrating one of life's most amazing events...what could be better? After I went to pick Ayla up, we went shopping (Nai-Nai included). I did some damage. I really needed to get some serious shopping out of my system and let me tell you, I did just that. I was supposed to be looking for shirts for Dean for his company trip to Cancun, which is quickly approaching (YAY!)...but I ended up finding all kinds of other goodies. Purses are my weakness. I certainly do not need any more, but I found two that I couldn't possibly live without. After shopping, my dad, brother, niece, and nephew joined us at our house for dinner (more pizza!) We topped off the evening with some Wii. You should see my brother bowl. Following a few warm-up games, he bowled a 299 (11 strikes in a row, I think). However, in order for him to achieve this impressive score, he had to flail about like a complete spaz. I can't believe he hasn't thrown his back out yet.
Haylee was getting frustrated because the only thing Ayla wanted to do was knock down the tower. :) The destructive power of three kids is out of this world. Literally within a few minutes, the living room was a war zone.

Playing in her favorite new toy--the ball pit from Aunt Marla
(or in Ayla's words--Aunt Marla ="Ah-Me")

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