The last time I posted, Ayla had croup, Dean and I were starting to not feel well, and we were only a few days away from leaving for Ohio for Thanksgiving. Well. Ayla's nasty cough went away, thankfully...but her runny nose was here to stay. I was the sickest I've ever was a sinus infection sprinkled with a dose of hell. I get sinus infections twice a year...can't escape it. Usually I have a day and a half where I feel pretty awful but nothing a day of sleep can't fix. This time, I have no idea what happened, but it was so so so so horrible. The sinus pressure was so intense that my gums were swollen and I didn't know what I could do to relieve it. I felt like my face was going to explode, which in all actuality, would have been a welcomed change to what I was feeling. I went to the doctor and he prescribed an antibiotic. Dean started to get pretty sick a couple days after me, so needless to say, we were an unhealthy bunch as we headed out to Ohio.
We were worried about how Ayla would do on the flight...turns out, she did amazingly well. We were shocked. But in a good way. :) We took turns having her sit on our lap and she was perfectly content...even flirted with the guy behind us. The long layover in Chicago was spent walking from terminal to terminal to keep her occupied and then to get her to nap.
Despite the the sniffles and coughs, we had a really great week with family...and great food too, of course. There was even one day where Ayla got a wild hair up her cute little bum and ate everything we gave her. I wasn't quite sure she was the same child. She ate several bites of a breakfast casserole that had eggs, sausage, cheese, and veggies. Then she had oranges and cantaloupe and later in the day, she tried pasta and tomatoes. Seriously, I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. She ate it all and didn't spit anything out or make any grossed out faces. I was especially surprised about the sausage...I was starting to think she was a vegetarian. :) I suppose she still could be because the following day, she was back to not wanting to eat anything. Oh was nice for a day. :)

15 of us made it this year...


Another "TOUCHDOWN!" for Amber and Grandpa and Grandma!

While we were in Ohio, Ayla learned several new words...she's really picking up on things very well lately and tries to repeat words we say. It's so fun to hear her talk! She can say a few things "right" like apple and airplane...and then there are some she has her own way of saying. When she says banana, it comes out "menamena" and somehow, she has flipped the syllables around for bottle...she says "duh-bah." So funny. :) Also, she has started using the two signs that we tried teaching her months ago ("more" and "all done"). We kind of thought that maybe she wasn't going to ever do's crazy how all of a sudden she's communicating with them. It's like she really was paying attention when we taught her and she just stored it away for further use.
We had some rough moments with her the last couple of days in Ohio...she was super fussy and just cried and cried (of course to the point where she got sick) and the two flights home were terrible. She was not happy and we couldn't calm her down for anything. I was on the brink of crying with her when we were 20 minutes away from landing in Omaha. We didn't know what to do and couldn't figure out why she was so upset. We got home in the afternoon and she developed a fever in the evening. This morning, her fever had gone down a little but her nose was all gunky. Sigh. So back to the doctor we went. I almost canceled the appointment by the time I got off work because she seemed to be just fine, but my mom said we might as well take her just in case. Have I mentioned that my mom is always right? She now has an ear infection. Dr. Davey looked in her left ear first and told me it looked "horrible." Say what? I thought I'd heard him wrong. He said on a scale of 1 to 10...10 being the worst, that ear was an 8. He said it's all pus-filled and clogged. Ohmigod!! She has not once messed with her ears in the past several days and for most of the day today, you would never know she didn't feel well. I couldn't believe it! He said he didn't get a real good look in her right ear, but the left one was obviously bad enough to prescribe antibiotics. I had a tough time getting her to take her first dose tonight...the next ten days will be interesting. I really hope they do the trick and help her to feel better. No wonder she was hysterical on the flights home...I'm sure the pressure felt awful on her poor ears. :(
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