On Friday night, we went to Dean's company holiday party at Roja. Ayla spent the night with Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Marla and proved us
completely wrong about how she has been sleeping so poorly. Not only did she sleep through the night, she slept in 'til 8:15 in the morning.
What the?! I'm glad she was so good for them...we were pretty worried that she would have everyone up at all hours of the night. So anyways, back to the party...it was a good time; it's always nice to see everyone. We were supposed to have a bus to take us from bar to bar, but it unfortunately didn't work out (the darn thing wouldn't start) so we just went to a bar near the restaurant for the rest of the evening. I had fun without feeling like someone had kicked me in the face the following morning...I can't say the same about Dean. :) The night ended with him getting the giggles as his co-worker drove us home...apparently, he "felt like we were in a spaceship." Hmm.

Saturday night was my work party...Dean stayed home with Ayla. It, too, was a fun time. We played Wii and exchanged White Elephant and Secret Santa gifts. As a gift from everyone, I received a gift card for Rockbrook Camera. I am
soo excited about it...I just need to figure out what I want. Oh boy!
And back to Ayla...
Dare I say this, but she's actually eating like a normal person now. No kidding. All of a sudden, she wants to try everything. Whenever she sees someone eating, she says "Bite?" and walks up with her mouth wide open. And, if she wants to eat, she says "food" and heads toward the fridge. I've had to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming. She's like a different child when it comes to mealtime. I LOVE it. I know I need to enjoy it while it lasts because I'm sure it could end as quickly as it started.
She has so much to say these days...she's constantly talking and babbling away. It's so funny. Obviously, we don't know what she's saying most of the time, but we respond like we do. :)

Since our Christmas cards have been sent out and most of you probably have already received them, I thought I'd go ahead and post it on here:

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