And just an FYI--the "booger-sucker" I'm talking about is a battery-operated nasal aspirator. Yes, battery-operated. I had no idea there was such a thing and I can't believe I've gone eight months without ever mentioning it. Our neighbors gave it to us before Ayla was born...when I pulled it out of the gift bag, I thought they were crazy. No way was this thing going to work, I thought. You push one button and it plays music loud enough to hear from across the entire house and the other button is the sucker...its buzzing sound is just about as loud as the music. I think that would freak me out, let alone a tiny little baby. However, a few days after we brought Ayla home from the hospital, I thought I'd give it a try because the bulb syringe tip was too big for her little nostrils. From that day on, I've been hooked. This thing is amazing! It works sooo much better than the 'ol bulb. What makes it even better is the clear 'collection cup' where all the snot goes...and wait, even better than that, there's actually a 'fill line'. If that doesn't make you gag, I don't know what will. As gross as it is though, it's oddly satisfying to see stuff in there. Better there than in her nose. Up until this cold, she actually learned to like it and would tilt her head back when I gave it a couple warning buzzes to let her know what was coming. I've used it so much the past few days though, that I think I may have ruined the fun of it for her. I'll have to put it away for a few days so she'll forget about it. So anyways, long story short, the booger-sucker is a lifesaver and I'd recommend it. Really, that's all I had to say but instead, I decided to write a 500-word essay about sucking out snot. Sick. Sorry.

I love those toes.
Man....I really hope she gets to feeling better. Sounds like Ayla is on the mend though. Let's get together next week...how about Tuesday? Give me a call.
I have never heard of this battery operated aspirator! Interesting.
I have a thing with boogers, so I don't know if I could handle the clear fill cup... Gives me the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it!
Carly, I used to be the same way but you'd be surprised by what you can stomach once you have to deal with it! :)
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