I changed her into her outfit and we plopped her down on the white floor and backdrop in front of all the lights and the photographer clicked away. It was pretty easy to get her to smile, so we were done in about ten minutes. I had my own camera in our bag and I so wanted to snap a few pictures of her sitting there...she looked so cute. But, I didn't want to be that mom, so I resisted. Sigh. They said she was a really easy baby...I think it helped tremendously that we were there at a good time (not during nap or bottle-time). We were able to look at the pictures on the computer (Ayla thought that was pretty cool...she giggled the whole time) and I think they turned out pretty well...hopefully there's one they can use.
We don't have any Pamidas in the area, so we don't get their ads in the Sunday paper. They do, however, post their ads on their website so I'll be checking it out every week until I see her. I'm so happy it went well and I'm so proud of her!

I mentioned in one of my previous posts that mealtime has been a struggle lately. Well, it's a major struggle. She's not a very good eater, which makes me wonder if she's really my daughter because mealtime is probably my favorite part of the day. :) She hates her baby food lately...she'll take four or five bites and then proceeds to clamp her mouth shut as tight as she can. She likes Cheerios...I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty sure she cannot survive on Cheerios alone. Not for long, anyways. Okay, so she likes cheese and bananas too, but they, unfortunately back her up so she can't eat either of those things everyday. I've been trying all sorts of things...chopped up fruit, steamed veggies, bread, poached egg yolk, grilled cheese. It always seems like she likes it, but then just like the baby food, she's done after a few bites. It's so frustrating! Any ideas, moms?

And completely off the subject...Dean and I went down to the College World Series yesterday afternoon and evening with his office. I always like to get down there at least once every year. We didn't even go into the game...we just tailgated in the parking lot. It was perfect! I actually find baseball a bit boring; it's more about the atmosphere than the game that I like. It's cool that for a week out of the year, Omaha is actually on the map and the rest of the country realizes that we're more than just cornfields and cows. We really do have a great city with great people and more things to do than one would think.

Lily loves food and eats great, but it is a struggle to get her to finish a bottle anymore. Two weeks ago she was doing great...eating around 28 ounces a day and now she is lucky to drink 18 ounces a day. She won't drink juice and only a little bit of water, so I worry that she doesn't take in enough liquids.
I'd say she's eating till she's full. It may not seem like much to us, but they have great self regulating capabilities! As long as she's trying new things and eating something other than cheerios (any kind of crackers are a staple at our house) I wouldn't worry mommy:)
I've also heard that they're good at self-regulating and I keep telling myself that, but literally four bites can't be enough, right?? There's always some sort of battle, isn't there? :)
Missy, I thought I had heard something about how 20 or so ounces a day can be the norm once they're eating more food...I know you can't help but worry though...I'm the exact same way. :)
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