We went to the Farmer's Market at Village Pointe on Saturday morning...is it really the middle of June in Nebraska? It was freaking chilly! Where in heck are we? Usually by this time of year, it's so hot and humid, the backs of my knees sweat. Weird.

Saturday evening, Dean stayed home with Ayla while I met two of my best friends, Lisa and Megan, for dinner downtown at Blue Sushi. The parking situation was pretty crazy due to the College World Series. I ended up parking a couple of blocks away and enjoyed the beautiful weather and the festive atmosphere as I walked to the restaurant. It's so strange to be by myself now...something that is quite rare these days. I'm keenly aware of the fact that I'm alone when it happens. As I strolled down the busy streets, I wondered if people could tell that I'm a mom and if not, I wanted to tell them. :) I had a great time with the girls (I so miss seeing my friends on a weekly basis) and even stopped at TCBY on the way home. For the first time since Ayla was born, I was out and didn't feel like I had to rush. I'm usually kind of anxious about how she's doing and I feel like I shouldn't be away for too long, but this time I felt really relaxed and had an enjoyable evening.
This morning, Ayla let us sleep just a smidge later--7:30 a.m. Who knew I would ever consider that sleeping in. Pre-baby, Dean couldn't drag me out of bed before 10:30 a.m. on the weekends. Good thing I enjoyed it while I could...I knew I had good reason to be a bum back then. :) Anyways...I've been impatiently waiting for Ayla's hair to grow long enough for me to put it in pigtails. I tried this morning...still too short. Darn it. In this picture, you really can't even see the ten hairs per pigtail, but she still looks damn cute.

After we left Ping's, we went to Lazlo's for dinner. We sat outside on the patio which was the place to be for all the babies. Ayla sat like a big girl in a highchair and ate surprisingly well...mealtime has been quite the struggle lately, but we'll save that story for another time. She looked so cute sitting there with the wind blowing her fuzzy hair around. I just started giving her Cheerios, which she loves, but for some reason I keep calling them Oreos. If someone hears me say she eats 22 Oreos in one sitting, I'll have a Mother-of-the-Year Award waiting for me on my doorstep in no time.

1 comment:
Anne, I love the piggy tails! My Ayla's hair seemed to take forever to grow in also. So fun though...I just love baby girls. Her teeth are precious too! She's getting so big.
Glad Ping's back at home too. I'm sure he's relieved.
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