Silly Daddy wearing Ayla's hat After we soaked in the pool for a little bit, we ate lunch, changed, and headed out to shoot clay (am I even saying that right? Shoot clay?? I'm such a girl...I don't know.) Anyways, we all had earplugs and since getting those suckers into Ayla's ears would most likely be a mini wrestling match, we bought her some headphone-looking ear covers. She looked so funny in them! She surprisingly left them alone for a lot longer than I expected. We were able to watch for several minutes before she flung them off and we had to go sit in the car.
By the time we were ready to head home, she was past her regular naptime so I had to keep her entertained in the car so we could prevent a meltdown.
For dinner (the dinner Dean thought we were going to have on Saturday...hehe), we did a shrimp boil. You put all kinds of stuff...shrimp, sausage, corn, potatoes, onions, garlic, lemon, spices...in a huge pot at various times (we used our turkey fryer) and when it's done cooking, you just dump the whole thing on a covered table and eat right off the table. It's great! And sooooooo yummy.
We had such a great weekend...it was very busy, but it was fun...a wonderful way to top off my month at home with Ayla. My parents got home yesterday evening...I'm glad to have them back but that also means back to work for me. Today is my last day off. I was so looking forward to this time with her; I am floored that it's already over. It was the fastest month ever! The previous few times I was able to stay home with her, I was ready to go back to work by the end. During those times though, she wasn't on any sort of schedule...I had no idea when she would eat and when she would sleep. As a result, I felt like I couldn't go anywhere because I would be afraid that she would need to do one of the two. The whole day would feel so long and unpredictable...by the time Dean got home from work, I felt like I had been run completely ragged. Now, however, she is on a great schedule so I know what to expect every day. I know when we can leave the house to run errands or go shopping...she eats and naps around the same times every day. Before I know it, the day is over. I have had such a fun month with her...it's amazing to see how she does something new every day. She is so much more interactive now...she's incredible. I love her. And I am so bummed to be going back to work tomorrow...even more than when I had to go back after my maternity leave. I know I only work a few hours a day, but we have such a great routine going, I'm going to miss the time I've been able to spend with her. Sigh.
Checking out the Target adBreakfast in our jammies...picking out the perfect Cheerio
Inspecting it...
Got one!
And another one...
Stopping to take a drink
Everyday, we go outside and check out our little garden to see if we can find any new tomatoes...here are a couple soon-to-be's
They're growing...slowly, but surely
The begonia that we're plant-sitting for my mom
Sitting on the deck, watching me take pictures
Break time
On her hands and knees but not loving it
Wearing her "fussy-pants"
Cardboard boxes are fun!
She has such long eyelashes...lucky girl
I love all of her little parts
Making a mess!