Trick-or-treating with Ayla was so fun this year! She really got into it and was so thrilled about the whole idea. After each house, before she was even off of the porch, she'd turn around excitedly and show all of us what she got. So cute. After just a few houses, she kept forgetting to say 'trick-or-treat' and would just say thank you and grab some candy. :) Several times, she told us she liked Halloween and trick-or-treating and that she was having fun. We were only out for about an hour...we went home without a fight, surprisingly. Once we got home, she checked out her stuff and picked one thing to eat and helped give out candy to more trick-or-treaters.
My cute little flower and lamb. :) Ayla wanted to be a princess just like every other little girl her age, but I was afraid she wouldn't be warm enough so we borrowed this cute flower costume from my friend, Erika. I was worried she wouldn't want to wear it, but I sold it like it was the coolest thing ever. She bought it. And she was warm. :) |
"You look funny." |
My desperate attempt at getting a picture with a very anxious trick-or-treater. |
Waiting patiently at the door. |
Showing us what she got! |
Our very generous neighbor gave her a lollipop the size of her head. |
Doesn't Dean's hair look good? ;) |
"I'm hot!" |
She was freeeaking out about Aubree touching her candy. |
Winding down with Daddy before bed. Sugar seems to affect her even when she's only had a little bit. She was bouncing off the walls. We finally got her in bed a half an hour after her bedtime and a half an hour after THAT, we could still hear her in her room making goofy sound effects for her glow in the dark wand that we let her take to bed. I had to go in and tell her to go to sleep. |
What a pretty flower cutie, and adorable little lamb! So glad she liked it:)
Certainly the cutest trick-or-treaters I've EVER seen. Thanks for posting all the pictures!
adorable!! Looks like you all had fun! Love Dean's hair too! ha ha!
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