Thursday, July 21, 2011

En route to the Cabin

Dean, Ayla, and Marla are a couple hours down the road on the way to our cabin in Wisconsin. Dean sent this picture of Ayla shortly after they left. She was watching a new DVD while munching on some grapes. Aubree and I are staying home this year...I'm going to miss the time with all of our family (a lot) but next year will be a better time for Miss Aubree to go for the first time.

I had the day off so I was able to spend it with the girls. I packed up all of Ayla's stuff as quickly as I could this morning so I could concentrate on playing with her for the rest of the day. We watched a movie, pretended a lot, ran around like a couple of crazies while she giggled her little heart out, and she took her first jacuzzi tub bubble bath in our bathroom (I'll post pics later). It was a perfect day...I don't think I could have given her enough hugs and kisses. She must have thought I was nuts. A couple of days ago, I started to feel the same anxious feeling I always get when I know I'm not going to be with her for an extended amount of time. Dean and I have been on several trips since she was born, but this is the first time she's left me at home. I was in tears as I gave her hugs and kisses before putting her in her carseat and as she screamed "BYE MOMMY!" out her window as they drove away. *SIGH* I missed her before they even got to the end of the street. As much as this will be a break for me to just have one child for a week because I will get just a teensy bit more me time, it's still going to be a long seven days for me.

Hopefully Dean will take as many pictures as I would. :) They brought the iPad so we can way I can go a week without seeing Ayla's sweet face. I know she'll have a blast with Dean and everyone else. Dean has some fun ideas for things to do while they are there...last night, he took her to Target to pick out a fishing pole. She opted for a hot pink Cinderella one. That's my girl. :) I can't wait to hear all of her stories about being there.

1 comment:

Erika said...

Tears!!! They will have so much fun, but yes I can see why you're sad!