Friday, September 24, 2010


I've been trying to come up with new things to keep Ayla (and myself) busy. She's getting to the point where she can sit still for just a smidge longer than she could before. She likes to color and paint but just like anything else, it can get old after a while. I tried Play-Doh a couple months ago but she didn't want to have anything to do with it. She's a bit of a freak about getting her hands dirty...the smallest little speck of anything will send her into a frenzy of "uh-oh's" until I wipe them clean.

Earlier in the week, I had a day off so we spent part of our time over at Ping and Surina's so she could play with her cousins. Surina took out a bin of Play-Doh and various accessories and she loved it. I think it helped that she had someone to play with and show her what to do. :)

The next day, I dug out our Play-Doh at home and she still thought it was pretty cool. She wanted to keep the two colors separated though--funny because I was the same way as a kid. I used to hate when my brother would mix everything together and we'd end up with all brown Play-Doh.

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