Preggo-wise, things are still going well...I'm still waiting for my energy to return, but there are some days here and there when I don't feel like a complete waste. My appetite is great for breakfast and lunch but come dinnertime, most of the time, I don't feel like eating much of anything. Maybe it's because I eat way too much for the other two meals. :) I'm so so so anxious to feel the baby move. I felt Ayla at 16 weeks...I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow, so it should be soon. I'm posting a "belly" picture at 12 weeks. These photos aren't as fun as when my belly gets nice and round later on, but I wanted to be sure to include them in the blog because I know I'll continue to make books out of my entries and I want to have them in there. Just like last time, I'm planning on taking a picture every two weeks. It's already difficult to get dressed. I don't want to wear anything tight because it just looks like I've been eating too many french fries...but I'm not quite ready for maternity clothes either. I have a fight with my closet every morning. Sigh.
I took these pictures of Ayla as a gift for my mom's birthday...we cropped them and put them in a 3-picture frame. It turned out really cute!

12 weeks

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