Monday, May 24, 2010


I know I already posted today, but this calls for an additional post:

Ayla. Ate. So. Well. Today.

Because I have never been able to say that without a little bit of hesitation, I'm going to say it again without an ounce of hesitation--Ayla ate soooooo well today! For those of you who have been following this blog for a while, you've all heard me freaking out about how she simply does not eat well, so this is the best day ever. Seriously. I am a happy mommy right now.

I try to mentally prepare myself for the fact that when I set her food down, she will most likely not even give it a second glance. Most of the time, this is true...but today, she ate everything I gave her. I just sat and stared at her completely dumbfounded. She ate like a different child. The amount of food she ate today was probably the same amount she normally eats in three days. No joke.

Because I know this may not happen again tomorrow...or for a long time, for that matter, I wanted to document it so when I am on the brink of having a meltdown on one of those days where she literally has not had a single thing to eat, I can look back on this post and know that she will eat. Sometimes. :)

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