Holy buckets.
I baby-sat my adorable little 5-week old niece, Makayla overnight last night. See the picture above? She was the complete opposite of
that for approximately the first six hours I had her. :) Marla came over to help for a little while and I (semi) joked that God must erase our memories of the first several weeks of having a new baby because, I kid you not, I felt like I had absolutely no recollection of what Ayla was like at this age and how I dealt with it. I remember it was hard.
Really hard. But I have no details.
Grandma and Grandpa took Ayla last night and I am so very thankful for that. I don't know what I would have done with a screaming baby
and a screaming Ayla clutching to my legs. What in the world am I going to do when we have another baby someday? I thought I was ready, but I'm kind of twitching at the thought.
Between my brother and Surina, they have five children. How they can get minimal sleep overnight by caring for Makayla and still have the energy the next day to care for four others
blows my mind. They are amazing.
Despite the rough beginning, it
is fun to hold a little tiny baby again...but maybe next time I volunteer to take her, I'll be sure that Dean is home so I have back-up. :)