Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Random tidbits...

So we're on Day 9 of our quest toward successful rice cereal consumption. Survey says? She hates it. Hate's a strong word, I s'pose...it's getting slightly better...she's gone from throwing her head back and shrieking to moderate whimpering after a few bites. I think rice cereal is just meant for practicing with eating from a spoon...I'm not sure any of it actually gets eaten. I've tried feeding it to her at different times day to day to see if she prefers it more at certain times...before a nap, after a nap, before a bottle, after a bottle. We'll keep trying. :)

She has gotten a lot better at using her hands...even since her last appointment. She's able to put her pacifier back in her mouth and she has also figured out how to pull her fleece car seat cover off of her face. It's funny to see her little hands poke out from underneath while we're walking to and from the car. :)

I may jinx us again by saying this, but she has been sleeping really well lately. I don't remember if I mentioned before that she was all of a sudden waking up a few times during the night and almost always ate around 4:00am. Now, she goes to bed between 9:00 and 9:30pm and will generally sleep until morning with just a peep or two...sometimes nothing...and doesn't eat until morning. Nice!

She's laughing more and more, which is sooo fun! I don't think there's a better sound than her laughter...it's contagious. I was cracking up with her the other day with tears in my eyes because I was laughing so hard. LOVE it.

1 comment:

The Splonskowski's said...

Wow...she just gets cuter and cuter!! I still see a little of Bennett in her.

BTW, if she's hating the rice - ask your ped about baby oatmeal. A lot of babies don't like the rice and it can cause some wicked constipation too.