I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your families. Despite the blizzard, we were still able to get together with everyone. It pretty much snowed for three days straight...we now have over a foot of snow on the ground and drifts as high as a few feet. Talk about a white Christmas!
On Christmas Eve, we went to Dean's parents' house for dinner and my family joined us. There were 18 people there. I love that both of our families can get together for special occasions...nothing better than a house full of the people we love.

On Christmas morning, we headed back to Dean's parents' house to open presents. Ayla opened a few things and then she was--Over. It. We had a difficult time keeping her occupied. Maybe next year.

Aunt Marla got Ayla a 52-inch ball pit that plays music. Mm-hmm. I can't wait until you have kids Miss Marla. ;)

We went to my brother's house afterwards to open presents with my family...we were fine until we got to his neighborhood. The plows had not been through yet but we managed to get to his street before we got stuck...my parents were stuck in the same area. Driving through a foot of snow is no good. We bundled Ayla up in a blanket, grabbed as much stuff as we could and started walking. Thankfully, my brother made it halfway up the street to pick us up.
My brother has always loved decorating the house for Christmas...he just might be Martha Stewart's long lost twin.

My niece, Haylee, underneath a tower of gifts...she was tempted to climb on top of them...we had to explain that it wouldn't work. :)

Bennett wasn't quite ready to be up from his nap yet...even seeing all the presents didn't wake him up.

My two favorite girls...

My dad sportin' his handmade wrapping paper tie. Stylish.

In the evening, Dean's whole family braved the snow and made it over for dinner...we had 20 people for dinner this night!
My mom and dad slicing meat for dinner...

And last night, we had dinner at our house...

And you all thought Dean was tall...he is 6'3"...his three younger cousins make him look tiny. :)

It has been a busy, but fun few days with family...I'm thankful we were all able to be together. It's hard to believe Christmas has come and gone again!