We met our doctor for the first time. Unfortunately, she's notorious for running behind with her appointments. I was warned of this by the nurse when I first called to make my initial appointment. She described three different doctors to me and I opted for this particular lady because she said she's very patient and will sit and answer questions/concerns all day if she had to. The nurse wasn't kidding. My appointment was supposed to be at 2:30...she didn't come into the room until nearly an hour later! For those of you who know me well, you know that lateness is one of my biggest pet peeves...am I going to be able to deal with this for the next six months? Hopefully so. If she wasn't such a sweet lady, I would probably have to fight her. As long as she isn't late for my delivery...
Aside from all that, the appointment went really well...extremely quick considering how long we sat and waited! We did a weight check and tested blood pressure...both good/normal. She said all my blood tests from the previous appointment (remember the gallons of blood I had to give last time) came back normal. I learned that my blood is B-positive...I never knew that. She checked my tummy and then the part I was looking forward to--listening to the baby's heartbeat! While Dean and I were waiting for the doctor, I admitted that I was a little nervous about the appointment...I just wanted to hear that everything was still okay. I stress myself out a little too much sometimes. So when we heard the heart beating, it was reassuring. It was beating at over 160bpm. It was sooooooooooo cool!!! Every few seconds, we heard a "whoosh" noise and the doctor said that was the sound of the baby kicking or moving its arms! How crazy that it's THAT tiny and already dancing away in there. I can't wait to FEEL that!
I'm continuing to feel better...the nauseating afternoons and nights are happening less frequently, which is AWESOME and I also feel like I'm getting some of my energy back. I still would rather go to bed earlier than later and naps are still my friends...BUT I no longer feel like I did in the beginning when I swear my appendages all had weights on them and I couldn't stay awake for normal amounts of time. My job keeps me pretty active...I'm on my feet, walking for 3 to 7 hours a day. I think it's good for me, but I can tell that I already get tired a little more quickly than before which frustrates me a bit. So many people tell me to "take it easy" and "slow down" but it's kind of hard to do that while working at a restaurant. I know that if I really need to relax, I will...but for now, I think I'm good to go.
Let's see what else...oh yes...chicken is totally nasty right now. It's so strange because that was all I ever ate. It's actually been a couple weeks since I've eaten it because I'm afraid to try it again. It's grossed me out twice so I figured I'd give it a rest for a while...at least until the thought of it doesn't make me gag. The only way I can describe it is how fish can taste too fishy sometimes...somehow chicken tastes too chicken-y at the moment. Blechhh. Yuck. You know what DOES taste good though? Kraft Mac 'n' Cheese. I can't get enough of it...this baby is going to come out orange like the powdered cheese. (Don't worry, I'm still eating plenty of healthy things, too!)
So far the most difficult thing about being pregnant is not being able to be out with Dean and our friends when the weekend rolls around...and it's not at all about not being able to drink...I couldn't care less about that. I just miss being OUT and being with my friends. It's entirely my choice because I refuse to sit in a stinky bar and breathe in all that disgusting cigarette smoke. At first, it was kind of nice to come home from work and relax and have some time to myself...but every once and awhile I get pretty bummed out. Tonight's one of those nights. Boo. Pity party for me. (I felt a little better after I purchased a few pairs of shoes online. ) It's just usually when I know a bunch of people are together for specific things...today is my friend, Tom's birthday. Dean offered to gather some people and go to a non-smoking bar, but I was already in my pjs and I don't need a bunch of people to change their plans because of me. I'm definitely looking forward to some warmer weather so I can take advantage of all the outdoor patios. Here's a picture of a contract that our friend, Chrissy, wrote for Dean while they were out tonight:

All in all, everything is going very, very well...it's hard to believe that in six months, I'm going to meet this amazing little person, who in a couple of short months, has already taken me on a roller coaster ride of emotions. I can't wait...
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