Saturday, May 4, 2013

Potty training

We've kind of, sort of dipped our toes into the potty training world again.  With Aubree, of course.  She had started to show a bit of interest so I dug out the little potty chair and gave it a shot.  We've been having her  go before her bath every night just to introduce it.  The first couple of times, I swear we sat there for hours.  Not really.  Maybe ten minutes or so of telling her to put her bum back down on the potty and to basically concentrate.  It's so cute to see her sitting there, totally naked, tapping her little foot waiting for something to happen.  She's done it a handful of times already; each time it happens a little bit quicker.  She understands what she's supposed to do now.  She gets one M&M for pee, two for poo...and she won't let you forget it.  One time, she peed and before she was even done, she held her hand up and demanded, "M&M!!!!"  :) She is so proud of herself when she goes.  Who knew peeing could be so damn cute?  When she goes, her whole face lights up in a smile and she claps for herself and says, "YAY!!"  Maybe because that's exactly what I do when she goes. :)  She also has started saying, "It's coming." in an almost creepy whisper when she's about to go.  Seriously, the kid cracks me up.

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