Monday, January 28, 2013

We're officially moved in!

We closed on our house on Thursday morning (it went much quicker than I thought it would).  I wanted to grab the keys and run but we had to go back to Marla's and start loading the U-Haul.  My brother and Dean's dad came to help Dean so I could go out to our house and wait for the cable company and Nebraska Furniture Mart deliveries.  It was so fun to finally be in the house and not have to leave.  I spent the whole day cleaning, unpacking, and organizing as much as I could before the movers came on Friday morning with the rest of our stuff.  Dean and I stayed there that night--thank you to our parents for taking care of the girls for us on Thursday and Friday night...and most of Saturday so we could get things done.  It was extremely helpful! The girls were at the house for a couple hours here and there and it was clear that I wasn't going to get anything accomplished while they were there. :)

The movers came bright and early on Friday morning and were unloading the trucks for several hours.  We. Have. So. Much. Sh*t.  Ridiculous.  I can't believe we had all of that stuff crammed into our old house.  What in the world?!  I was pretty overwhelmed seeing countless boxes constantly coming in.  I tried talking the movers into keeping some of it. :)

At this point, the kitchen and living room are completely unpacked and settled.  The girls' rooms are pretty much done as well--just a few more things to hang up on the walls and Ayla has a couple random boxes in her closet that need to be emptied.  I'm pretty sure that child is a hoarder.  I have not touched a single one of my own boxes.  Our room and closet are disastrous right now.  That's next on the list as well as the girls' toy room.  I'm thrilled with how much we've been able to get done already considering we just moved in four days ago.

Our families have been over a lot to help in all different ways--unpacking, organizing, bringing us meals, watching the girls...and we appreciate it so much. What a crazy few days it's been! 

Yesterday, our friends--Jim and Lisa and their three boys; Megan and Mike; and Johnathan (our realtor, who has become one of my very best friends throughout this whole process) came over to hang out.  It was soooo fun to to have friends over and just relax for a while.  It was exactly what I needed after going non-stop for the entire weekend.

I am so happy.  I love our house and I love that we're finally in it.  It was definitely worth the wait. :)

Now, come visit us! :)

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