Lately, Ayla's favorite word is "no." She says it whenever we make her do something she doesn't want to do...which is a lot of things--changing her diaper, getting dressed, eating, sitting in her carseat, going back into the house after playing outside, getting out of the bathtub, getting too many hugs and kisses from me...and the list goes on.
Or she'll walk around the house and point at things that we've asked her not to touch and say, "no, no" and then proceed to touch it anyways.
Sigh. Is there such a thing as the "Ornery Ones"? Because I think she's there. As ornery as she is, she's a freaking riot. I just have to sit back and watch her sometimes.
Look at little Miss Guilty in this picture. (Don't worry...that cord now sits up high where she can't get to it.)

She's really starting to repeat things we say and mimic things we do. In other words, we need to start watching ourselves. She's like a little sponge right now. She listens to and watches us so intently...storing it all away for future use.
Oh I love it!! Yes I think that's a good name for the one's. Although I hate to tell you I'd go back to one in a heartbeat!! AAAH! For instance: Grace called me a nerd this morning:)
Gotta love 'em!
I love to read your posts because Ayla reminds me so much of Lily! I swear Lily is so ornery, but I often just have to laugh about it. By the end of most days I want to pull my hair out but then I sit back and think to myself...she is my child and I know I was the same way! Lily does the same things...she'll look back at me to see if I am watching her and then she'll say NO NO NO or ah ah ah because she knows she isn't supposed to be doing something and then she'll do it anyway! I asked my husband the other day..."If this is how she is now...what are the terrible 2's going to be like?!"
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