We think we may have found the culprit for Ayla's
middle-of-the-night-screaming-fits. Molars. I logged onto Babycenter.com and lots of the October moms were having the same issues with their babies. (That site has been a
lifesaver since the day I found out I was pregnant.) Turns out, there's this thing called "one-year molars." I had no idea. After I read a few things about it, I stuck my pinky in her mouth to see if they were, in fact, coming in. I poked around while she giggled and chomped down on my finger. The edge of one top one is showing and I could feel the one on the other side but it hasn't popped through yet...and so far, nothing on the bottom. Sigh. This could be a long process. In addition to the molars, she's getting two new ones in the front. Poor baby. Her mouth can't possibly feel good right now. I'd probably cry too. Hopefully they all come in quick.
She is such a little stinker lately. When I tell her no, she gets a mischievious sparkle in her eye, giggles, and does whatever she was doing again. Then she giggles some more and says, "No! No! No!" She's testing me, isn't she? For now, just the word "no" isn't cutting it, removing her from the situation and giving her something else to do seems to fair much better. She definitely has a mind of her own right now. She's a riot. :)
1 comment:
I totally know what you mean about the "No" thing....the twins do the same thing. They think it is funny when I say "no" too!
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