Dr.Davey said she's doing really well in all aspects and very healthy, so that's great to hear! She is now 11 pounds 3 ounces (56th percentile) and 22 3/4 inches (60th percentile). My fear that she wasn't eating enough was pretty much squashed. :)

Oh Anne, she is so sweet! I love all the new pictures! Sounds like your trip went smoothly too, travel now-mine are being terrors in the car lately!
Can you believe it's been 2 months! Time flies:)
She has grown so much since the last time I saw her! She is such a cutie! I pretty sure Heidi is going to be short like me and she'll have her tall friend Ayla! :)
I got tears in my eyes reading about Ayla's shots...I am sure I will cry too when the twins get their's! She is just too cute, congrats on getting her into her room! I got a great book from a friend about getting babies on sleep schedules and sleeping through the night if you need some pointers...The twins slept 7 hours straight last night after I read a few tips!
She is GORGEOUS! Glad the appointment went well. I can't wait to see her (and you and Dean) again soon!!!
I hate shots! I am alread dreading Lily's 4 month checkup!
Anne, she's so stinkin' cute! I love all her little hairs! I hope I can meet her someday!
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