I finally got a few pictures of her smiling! (Just some little ones...I'll keep working on getting one of those big grins.) She was SUCH a happy, smiley baby today! I didn't want to wait until we got home from our trip to post them. :)

I am utterly, totally, completely, head-over-heels in love with her...there's nothing more wonderful than seeing her smiling at me.
Those little gummy smiles are the absolute best! My favorite is when I pick Lily up out of her crib in the mornings...even if it is 3:00am...and she smiles up at me. It makes my heart melt every time. Ayla is BEAUTIFUL!
Anne can you believe she is already 2 months!?!?!? Time is flying by!
She is absolutely adorable. I agree, here is nothing greater then seeing that gummy smile directed at you. Sometimes when it is very early in the morning and I really want Jessica to go back to sleep she will just lay there and smile at me and not matter how tired I am I can't help but smile back at her.
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