Well...she is. :)
As of Friday November 7th (5 weeks old), she was 9lbs10oz! She has basically put on two pounds since birth! I think she's doing okay. :)
Her regular doctor (Dr.Davey) was not in on Friday, so we saw a different doctor and he was just as great! He wants me to continue to keep dairy out of my diet since it seems to be helping...and from the way I described her spit-up (sometimes projectile, other times just normal little dribbles, and sometimes enough to soak up the front of her shirt) he wanted to put her on Zantac for acid reflux. She has to take it twice a day until her next appointment on December 4th. It's supposed to help her tummy and ease any discomfort. She's only been taking it for a couple days, but so far this weekend, during her wake periods, she seems to be much more content. :)
However, both Friday and Saturday nights, she has not slept well, so I hope it's not a side effect of the medicine. On Friday night, she would sleep for about 20 minutes and wake up crying...ALL night. It was probably the worst night we've had since coming home from the hospital. Saturday night was a little better. She was awake and happy for a couple hours in the evening. We gave her a bath and a bottle and put her down around 8:00pm. She fell asleep, but not for long. She pretty much didn't sleep until after midnight! From that point on, she did a lot better...still woke up to eat, but that's normal. Hopefully tonight goes better!!
Our dear, dear friends...FAMILY, I should say, Steve and Lynda Bailey are in town from Colorado for a few days. I've known them since I was about 8 or 9-years old...they were always like my other set of parents. :) It's been too long since I've seen them...they came over last night with my parents and it was soooooooo good to see them! No matter how much time has passed between visits, it's as if we pick up right where we left off...I think that's how you know someone is a friend for life. They are two of the most wonderful people you will ever meet...I'm so lucky to have them in my world...I really need to make more of an effort to keep in touch regularly.

Hey Anne:)
Both my girlies were on Zantac-and them Pepcid (ask about that if you don't think the Zantac is working:)
for awhile, and it seemed to make them a bit more comfortable...hopefully it will help little Ayla!
I LOVE the Baileys! Tell them I say hi!
hey cutie. Ava was one medicine for reflux too and everntually (i think amonth) I just stopped giving it to her and she was better. I did the milk thing too and no spicy foods and no peanut butter. Everything but hoenstly, i just think they are sooo little that it takes some time getting their systems going!!! Best of luck! muah
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