On Sunday evening, we had a dinner at our restaurant in honor of Ayla being a`month old. It's a Chinese tradition to celebrate this milestone. Very traditional Chinese women will stay home with their babies for the entire first month...some won't even shower (yikes!). This celebration is considered the official "meet-the-baby."

My dad spent a lot of time cooking a TON of awesome food...everything was soooooo yummy! Thank you to all four grandparents for contributing to the party...it was`all wonderful! And thank you to everyone who came to help us celebrate!

And a couple sidenotes...
Thanks for coming to stay with us all weekend Aunt Jamie!

Grandpa held Ayla for the first time today! (He's a lil nervous with teeny little newborns.)

Thanks for having us! The food WAS awesome - Chris and I keep talking about the red chicken and of course the onion rolls! Ayla is too cute!
We had so much fun meeting Ayla and seeing all those tiny babies at the celebration! Thanks for inviting us!!
YES, I made the website!!!! :o} It was a fun weekend! Thanks for having us! I'll be visiting much more often now I think!
Sounds like you had a ton of fun at the celebration. Sorry we couldn't make it. We are hoping to see all of you soon. We would love to have you over. I just love the picture of Ayla and her hairdo! :)
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