Yep, you heard me correctly...no more ice cream for Anne...[GASP!] Our little Ayla has been spitting up multiple times with each feeding lately...enough that I've started to worry about it (of course.) After much Internet research, which only makes me even MORE crazy, I finally gave in and decided to call her pediatrician (Dr.Davey). Because of a few symptoms...smelly, mucus-y poo(I guess her poo shouldn't smell bad from breastmilk...he said it's even supposed to smell a bit sweet...definitely not the case with Ayla), gassy, grunting, and the spitting up, he thinks she may be lactose-intolerant. Meaning, whatever dairy products I consume affects my breastmilk and when she drinks it, it upsets her tummy. Poor baby!! SO, he said to take ALL dairy products out of my diet...milk, cheese, yogurt, and...ice cream. My diet IS basically cheese and ice cream...no kidding. This will be interesting and will definitely test my nearly non-existent will-power when it comes to food... however, if it makes my baby girl feel better, I'm all for it. If she truly is lactose-intolerant and I'm good about no dairy, we should see a difference in a week or so, give or take a couple days.
I'm really glad that I ended up calling Dr.Davey...I just didn't want to be one of those moms who freak out and call the doctor about every little thing. After talking to a nurse and Dr.Davey himself, I'm even happier with our choice in Village Pointe Pediatrics. :) We liked him a lot while we were at the hospital and it was just a nice surprise that along with the nurse, HE actually called to talk to me as well. Very nice.
I love Dr. Davey too!!! I won't eat ice cream either in honor of you! I hope she gets better quickly!
I would love to jump on that bandwagon Anne, but I have a half of a gallon left in my freezer right now....maybe after that(?);) I will pour a scoop out to my homey (you) the next time I eat it. I am so sorry for your loss:)
(I hope Ayla starts pooping sweetness soon!)
Hey Anne,
Congrats on the arrival of Ayla! She is beautiful! Your blog entry about the first few weeks home could have been my blog entry. We are going though all the exact same stuff you are. Hopefully when Ayla reaches 6 weeks she won't start crying non stop like Jessica has been doing for the last few days. About Ayla being the loudest sleeper I know what you mean...I have never heard so many crazy sounds come out of someone so small. If you are ever wondering about what is happening with her please email me and I can try to help since Jessica is a few weeks older I will have most likely just gone through whatever you are going through and may have helpful advice.
I'm glad every thing is going good for you guys and again congratulations!
Lily spits up a TON! I made her an appointment with her pediatrician, but then I cancelled it and decided it could wait until her 2 month checkup...somedays she doesn' spit up so much, and other days she'll spit up with each burp and again an hour or two later. As far as her sleeping better at night...it just happened one night. For the first 4-5 weeks she was up every 2 hours or so. I have a friend that has a baby who is 9 days older than Lily and she said he has slept from 10pm-4am since the day he came home from the hospital...I guess all babies are just different!
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