Over the weekend, we went on our first walk with the stroller...Kody was more than thrilled to be out of the house! Poor dog!
On Sunday, we made a quick trip to Pooley's Pumpkin Patch to grab a few pumpkins...Dean tested out the Baby Bjorn...

She seems to be waking up about three times a night. Overnight, she doesn't cry when she's hungry...she starts to stir about a half an hour before waking up. She grunts and squeaks until we wake up to feed her. She might possibly be the loudest sleeper ever! After eating, it seems to take a while for her to fall asleep again, which can make for a long night sometimes! By the time I feed her, change her and get her to fall asleep and climb back into bed myself, I'm back up in a little while. I'm constantly battling with myself when it comes to when I should change her diaper overnight...before or after feeding her?? If I do it before, she can just fall asleep after eating...but a lot of the times, she'll poop afterwards and I end up changing her again, which means making her mad twice. I'll figure it out eventually...
During the day, she still sleeps a lot...I keep trying to follow the "sleep when she's sleeping" advice, but it's hard to do! I've taken just a couple naps because I always find things I want to do...the endless cycle of washing her bottles, laundry, pumping, etc. I've also found a lot of time to just think. Dean and I have discovered that I couldn't remember bits and pieces of labor and delivery until I was reminded or until out of nowhere, something pops up in my mind. Weird, huh? I didn't really remember that Dean brought Ayla over to me while they were sewing up my incision. And several days after she was born, I had a memory of the doctors and nurses doing an instrument count to make sure nothing was left in me...I also remembered getting an oxygen tube put in my nose. So just little details here and there...it's just interesting how they come back.
It just occurred to me this past weekend that I didn't get to hold Ayla for the first time until I was out of the recovery room and in our regular room about two hours after she was born. I remember Dean handing her to me while our families were in the room. As soon as I had her in my arms and was able to see her little face, the tears came. It was the biggest rush of emotions to finally hold her and touch her after waiting for her for all those months. It was like I was in my own little world with her...I didn't notice anything else going on in the room.
Anne...omigosh... she is so precious. It brings tears to my eyes. I can't wait to meet her and too see you guys!
Great post! ...I love it, all things PINK!! LOL...you're doing a great job!
I love being able to see the new pictures and read your posts! We are looking forward to seeing you all over Halloween weekend!
Great Aunt Kathy!
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