Last week, work was just too much...I felt like I was constantly trying to catch up...I couldn't walk any faster! I felt like I was ok for a little while, but after literally speed-walking for two straight hours, I was done! Business has been great, but geez, I could use a slow day once in a while (great business-owner I am, huh?) And today was a struggle...I got my slow day, but I still didn't have the energy to be there. My energy level is quickly diminishing and I don't like it!!! I'm working the rest of this week and I was hoping to work the following one as well (it would be my last week)...but we'll see how the next couple of days go. I'm not doing anyone any favors by being at work and not being able to keep creates more work for whoever's there with me!
My hands and feet are swollen and achy and I'm losing the non-waddling battle. Hehe. It's funny what I used to take advantage of...walking like a normal person, being able to get out of bed or off the couch without considering the use of a crane or wedge of some sort, slipping on shoes and not having to cross my fingers that they'll fit. All part of the experience, right?
So Miss PIP must have gotten bored with being on the same side of my belly all these months because a couple days ago, she decided to flip-flop to the other side to check things out. Her back was always on the left and feet on the right...I woke up a few mornings ago to kicks on the left and her back on the right! Weird! I didn't think she had enough room to move like that. Ever since then, my belly has felt soooooo tight! I don't know if it's just a coincidence or not...maybe I'm just not used to her being on the other side...she's stretching out a different area now. I'm assuming that when it's really tight and uncomfortable, I'm getting those Braxton-Hicks contractions? They've been happening more frequently since she flipped sides. I feel like my belly isn't even round anymore! It starts to resemble a cube sometimes...depending on her movements and BH contractions...maybe even a hexagon.
I've started a pile of stuff that we need to bring to the hospital...I've been wanting to get it done for a few weeks now, so it feels good to have all the major things ready to go. With just a month to go, you just never know when it could happen! YIKES! As long as it isn't in the next few days...Dean is on his way to Kansas City right now for work and won't be home til Thursday evening...I'm trying not to be worried about it, but I'm really good at worrying these days.
Tonight is our last baby class...since Dean has to miss it, Marla (Dean's sister) offered to go with me! I actually wanted to ask someone to go, but didn't want to put them on the spot and potentially bore them to it was really nice of her to ask if I wanted her to go with me. I'm excited she'll be there with me! It's about newborn care, so it should be useful information. I told Dean I'd take notes and he could practice with my old baby doll...diapers, swaddling, etc.
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