Last night's class was all about breastfeeding and it was full of useful lie! Up until the hospital tour, I felt like I wasn't really learning anything! So, our instructor is a very nice lady...she's probably 60-something...she's a grandmother and likes to tell stories about her little grandkids. She's ALSO very hands-on with her own body when she's explaining things...sorta kinda super awkward. A couple classes ago, she was rubbing her own belly to show us how to massage our preggo bellies...not TOO weird, I suppose, but heading to class last night, I was a lil worried. Breastfeeding=boobs. See what I'm getting at?? So she starts talking about how to hold the baby to breastfeed and she says...I kid you not, "I'm real comfortable with my body, but they probably wouldn't be too happy if I were to just show I have a boob-puppet instead." AGH. So if it wasn't an issue with whomever's in charge of her, she'd had whipped out a boob for all of us to see. Weird. Thank goodness she didn't do that, but she proceeded to use her boob through her shirt. I know we're all adults here, but really? Is that necessary? But anyways...enough rambling about that...the class itself gave us a lot of good info...we'll just leave it at that!
I had a doctor's appointment this afternoon. Everything is still looking good! PIP's heartbeat was at 150 bpm and she's in the right position...head right on my bladder! My doctor said my belly is measuring "perfectly" so to all the strangers who like to tell me I'm "not big enough," HA! The only issue she had was about my feet...they're expanding and I had them crammed into shoes that didn't agree. I'm supposed to elevate them more often. I'll admit, I'm pretty bad about doing that. I'm on my feet the whole time I'm at work and once I get home, I find things I want to do around the house...I think this whole nesting thing is starting to wane (I went a little crazy for a couple weeks) so maybe I won't have the urge to run around as much.
And more about my shower...I felt like I was too rushed yesterday while I was writing about it! I don't know if I mentioned that it was a Hawaiian/Luau theme...Meghan ordered a bunch of cookies and cupcakes with bright frosting. My favorite was the chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting and crushed Butterfinger on top...and a paper umbrella. It was like a tiny beach on a cupcake...somehow Meghan thought they were supposed to be volcanoes?? Hehe. Jamie bought a bunch of cute little Hawaiian-themed clothes from Old Navy and hung them up on twine as part of the decorations...PIP's going to look all cute and tropical next summer!
Lindsey, me, Jamie, and Meghan

After everyone got some food, we all sat down and everyone introduced themselves and we played the string game. A ball of yarn was passed around and everyone had to cut off how big around they thought I was. They all came up one at a time to wrap their yarn around me to see who was the closest. It was pretty funny! A lot of people were WAY off, but my friend, Sheila was RIGHT on. She's good. Before I started opening presents, Jamie passed out Bingo cards with various baby items on them. If I opened a gift that included one of the items on the Bingo card, they could cross it out. It got a little competitive for a while! We had a couple winners before a third of the presents were even opened! After that, everyone was just forced to watch without a game to play. I tried not to drag it out too long!!

My nephew, Bennett, and niece, Haylee, hanging out with Meghan's little Heidi.

My mom and me

Again, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU everyone for everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a lot of fun!!!!!
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