We had a nice Labor Day weekend...PIP experienced her first Huskers game on Saturday! Dean and I had friends over to watch the game against Western Michigan on Pay-per-View and I think when everyone cheered, she was cheering with us...she was really active throughout the entire game. She also received her very first Huskers onesie and pacifier from our friend, Angel, so she'll be all decked out for the games after she arrives!
On Sunday night, we went over to Meghan and Chris's house to hang out. Their little baby girl, Heidi, is almost three months old and is adorable as ever! They gave us all kinds of advice and pointers...hearing it all, along with being around Heidi, made us even more anxious for PIP to get here! We can't wait!!!
Monday, we went on an early picnic with Dean's family...it was a beautiful morning and the food was delicious! On the way home, I started to get really tired! Lately, I've started feeling like I did during the first trimester...just really worn out, but a little different...I'm physically sluggish too, which makes sense since I now have a big belly to lug around! I took a two-hour nap and it felt sooooooo good!
I've read that nesting is when you get bursts of energy and you want to clean, organize, and whatever else to get everything ready for the baby. I'm not feeling these so-called energy bursts, but the past week or so, I've been obsessed with getting things done around the house. I went through our kitchen drawers and reorganized them and threw away a bunch of things and emptied out one whole drawer for PIP's things...I washed most of her clothes...I got on my hands and knees and scrubbed our bathroom floor...I keep thinking of things I want to do and once it's in my mind, I have to do it ASAP.
Overall, I'm still feeling okay! PIP's movements are getting even stronger! I keep thinking she's going to run out of room in there to move so much, but somehow she finds a way. Anytime I'm sitting down, I can feel her little knees and feet on the right side of my belly. I can see little bumps form on my stomach when she moves them! And if I press on them, she squirms away. Fun!
My baby shower is this coming Sunday! I can't believe it's already here...when we were picking out a date, it seemed like it was forever away. I'm so excited for it! Thank you to Jamie, Lindsey, and Meghan for putting it all together!!!