Today I had to drink that orange stuff to check for gestational diabetes...I was expecting it to taste completely disgusting because of what I've heard from other people, but honestly, if I didn't know any better, I would've thought it was a bottle of orange pop. Not bad at all! They had to draw a vial of blood for the test and I'm assuming they'll contact me if something comes up.
We did the usual tummy measurement and listened to PIP's heartbeat (it was around 140bpm). I asked her if she could tell how the baby is positioned and which parts were where. Right away, she said her head is down and she helped me feel the curve of her back on the left and then a little knee on the right. How crazy! She said it's perfectly fine to "play" with her and poke around to get her to move. That was actually one of my questions because Dean and I are always pushing (lightly) on my stomach to see where she is and what we can feel.
Ooh and I only gained 3.6 pounds this month (much better than the whopping 7 pounds from the month before...I must have had a few too many bowls of ice cream.)
Starting now, I'll have appointments every two weeks instead of four weeks. It's hard to believe we're already at that point! In another month (at 32 weeks) we'll have that ultrasound that I mentioned a while back to check the position of the placenta. Hopefully it has shifted up and out of the way. I'm not too worried about it though...more than anything, I'm excited to be able to see her on the ultrasound!
As you may have noticed in my belly picture above, I chopped my hair off! I was ready for a change and figured it'd grow back in no time if I didn't like it.

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