So anyways...yes, we now have a PINK room in our house!!! (The color is called "pink mist"...very light.) It's my new favorite place to be...I'm sitting on the glider in the nursery right now facing the closet full of little girly clothes. Perfect. Dean's parents came over this past weekend and helped Dean paint the room...a HUGE THANK YOU to them!!! We so, so, so appreciate the help!

Dean also put up a white chair rail around the room and it all looks so great! I'm really happy with the way it turned out. I did some painting as well...don't worry, it was in front of the open patio door with several breaks...I painted the dresser and nightstand white...that's all! Dean still needs to do a few things with the chair rail...filling the nail holes and he wants to paint them with a brighter white...they look a little gray, but honestly, there are going to be so many different shades of white in this room, it really won't matter!
Just today, I received the crib mobile in the mail! Her bedding set doesn't have a matching one, so I looked on eBay and found one that matches the colors of the bedding perfectly! It's an octopus with little fish, which has nothing to do with the whole flower theme of the bedding, but it's SO cute! It winds up and plays a lullaby. I actually got tears in my eyes when I held it up and watched it spin. Sigh.
We TRIED registering this weekend (we went to SuperTarget and also want to go to Babies R Us) and it was just completely overwhelming! We're going to take a breather before heading to Babies R Us. We had no idea what we were doing!!! I sort of had a freak-out moment and had to ask Meghan what in the heck I was doing! I asked her and also Erika to possibly look over our registries once we were all done to see if we were missing anything important and if we had things on there that are useless. They have both been giving me pointers all along the way...things that they wish someone had told them, things that they KNOW we'll want to have, etc. Like I said before, real-mom advice is the best kind of advice out there...I can't ever get enough of it, so thank you!
Jamie, Lindsey, and I have been trying to figure out a date for my shower! August is a little too crazy for everyone...we tried for a couple different dates, but looks like we're going with September 7th...third time's a charm, right?
We signed up for the Prepared Childbirth classes through Methodist Hospital...we start Monday August 4th and it's once a week for six weeks. I've heard from a few people that half the classes are pretty boring and stupid but the other half is actually quite helpful. We'll take anything that makes us just a bit more prepared and knowledgeable!
I'm going to sound like a broken record, but I'm still feeling well for the most part! I'm getting bigger and rounder everyday! The arches of my feet have started to ache...from the extra weight, maybe?? It just kind of feels like the bottoms of my feet are stretching out too far when I walk. Weird. PIP is still squirming around at the same times's like clockwork! A few nights ago, I looked down at my stomach and the right side was about an inch higher than the was one of the weirdest things I've ever seen!! Dean thinks she was scooting her little butt up in the air. As we become more and more prepared for her (well, as prepared as first-time parents can be), we've become more and more anxious and excited for her to get here! Only about 3 1/2 months to go...can you believe it?!
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