Jamie needed a full-body profile picture of me for an invitation idea (baby shower), so Dean took several of them last night...they turned out kind of cool, so I'll post a couple of them along with my regular belly picture.

On a different note, I hope everyone stayed safe during that crazy storm on Friday...how scary! I had no idea what we were in store for! I was leaving Ping and Lindsey's house at 189th&Harrison and heading to our house at 156th&Fort. I honestly thought I would be able to make it home before it started, so I left...even after they suggested that I wait it out at their house. How bad could it be, I thought? It usually only takes me about 15 minutes to get home from there. As soon as I turned onto 192nd, I saw the clouds lowering and swirling and also saw how dark the sky was. I started to panic, but it wasn't raining yet so I kept going. Just before Center St., it started to get super windy and then the rain started coming down. I couldn't see anything!! They were reporting 90mph winds on the radio...I didn't know what to do, so I called Meghan, hoping that she would be home so I could stop driving...no luck! Just past Pacific St., I saw things flying in the air and then I felt my car getting blown to the side. I ended up pulling over just before the Dodge overpass...there were over a dozen cars stopped all around, so I figured if anything happened, I would have people there to help. Worst case scenario, I decided that if my car (a SUV) blew over, I'd rather be stopped in a grassy area than driving through the storm on the road. As soon as I pulled over, I called Dean, crying, because I didn't know what to do...the storm hadn't reached his office yet, so I don't think he realized how bad it was! Storms have always fascinated me but having a 360 degree view of the rain, wind, hail and hearing the sirens sounding while my car rocked back and forth was a bit too much for me. Obviously, I wouldn't want to be in that situation anytime, but being pregnant added to the stress and fear. I ended up sitting there for less than 10 minutes before I headed back on the road...bad idea. It was still pretty bad out, but I couldn't find another good spot to stop so I just kept heading towards home. By the time I got there, it had stopped. All in all, it was probably the stupidest thing I've ever done...but I did make it home!