We did it! We all made it through Ayla's first day of school! :) When I went to go pick her up, she ran over to me with a huge smile on her face and she gave me one of the best hugs ever. :) I, of course, asked her a billion questions. She said her favorite part of the day was playing outside. Three times. Ha! I asked her what her favorite part was inside. She said when they sang a song she had already learned in preschool. :) She said she ate a little bit of her lunch. I was worried about this part. I want her to learn to like new things, so I told her we weren't going to pack lunches for a while. Today she had two choices--a cheeseburger, which in all of her almost six years, she's never eaten...or a crispy chicken salad. She went with the salad. It also came with some fresh veggies and a banana. She said she didn't eat the banana because she couldn't get it open and then just got too busy and forgot about it. :) I don't remember if I mentioned that the kindergartners eat lunch at 10:55! SO early. I told her that she has a whole four hours between lunch and me picking her up so she needs to fill her belly during lunch or she's going to starve. And there aren't any snacks while she's there. Well, needless to say, she was starving when we got home and ate an entire apple and a bag of Pirate's Booty (glorified Cheetos, but supposedly a healthier version). I told her from now on, she only gets one snack after school so to eat more for lunch. I think she will learn eventually. I'm really hoping that she will start to eat more and be less picky. Overall, she said she really liked it, but "it was a really long day." :)
Here are a few more pictures from today:
Showing off her new backpack! |
Daddy wanted a picture of her, too! |
Mommy-Ayla selfie! |
Aubree and her little friend, Rielle watching their siblings walking into school. They will be in the same preschool class at our church! |
On the way to pick up Ayla this afternoon, Aubree passed out in the car. I was hoping she would! She has to get used to losing an hour of sleep now that I have to wake her up to get Ayla to school on time. Yikes. |
My parents wanted to see Ayla so they came up to the school as well! My mom sat in the car with Aubree while she napped so I could go get Ayla. This is a huge adjustment for my parents, too. They have taken care of Ayla for over five years while I am at work each day. It's going to be really strange for them to not be able to see her four times a week! They came back to our house for a little bit to hear about her day. Yeh-Yeh totally scored some points--he found Frozen costumes at Sam's today! The girls are ready for Halloween! :)
After my parents left, the girls and I just lounged on the couch for a while. I think we were all exhausted. I know it's only been one day, but I'm already ready for this new schedule to feel normal. :)
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