I've been having a hard time coming up with projects for Miss Aubree because she puts everything in her mouth. I have to come up with things she can't possibly eat, but somehow she still finds a way. I filled an egg carton with a variety of different objects...different colors, shapes, textures, etc. I sat her down and when I opened the carton, her whole face lit up (the picture didn't capture that look, unfortunately). I was so excited that she liked it...she took out each little thing and checked it out. I looked down after a couple minutes and there she was gnawing on the egg carton. Sigh. After she ate a chunk of it, I decided to retire this "project". I've resorted to letting her play with her food so I don't have to worry about her eating something that she shouldn't be eating. It's so interesting how she concentrates so hard on running her finger through a blob of applesauce or yogurt. I'm sure the wheels in her head are spinning while she's doing it. Whatever works, I s'pose. :)

Ayla's still been digging her new skill--scissors. I figured I could test this skill by drawing shapes on paper and having her cut along the lines. She's a little shaky, but she understands what she's supposed to do. She cut out shapes to make a few construction paper animals. My goal lately is to get her to realize it's okay to get a little messy...that we can WASH. She doesn't want to get anything on her fingers...no glue, no paint, nothing. Any suggestions on how to ease her worries?
Posing with her new animal friends! |
We also painted rocks, but it didn't last long because she didn't want to pick them up and risk getting paint on her hands. Each rock just received a few blobs of paint on top. :) |