Ayla has been going through some changes in her sleep habits this past week. Since she was just a few months old, we've been plopping her (lovingly, of course) into her crib at bedtime and she babbles her way into dreamland. No problems, whatsoever. All of a sudden, she refuses to do this. She screams and cries in protest...I'm not opposed to letting her cry it out, however, I'm not okay with letting her get so worked up that she throws up. Unfortunately, this happened a couple of nights ago. I felt so terribly bad for her. I hate it when she gets sick. In addition to not wanting to go to bed on her own, she has pushed her bedtime later. For a couple weeks there, she was asleep as early as 6:45 pm! She must have been going through a growth spurt or something. This later bedtime will actually work in our favor once Daylight Savings is over...although that's another week or two away and she may change things up yet again. I'm wondering if this new bedtime battle has anything to do with separation anxiety...I read that around this age, it can get pretty bad and can actually happen at bedtime. Ooh and I almost forgot--she napped for
TWO WHOLE HOURS today. I started to worry that something was wrong. She hasn't slept that long for a nap since she was just a couple months old...the sleeping conditions must have been just right today. :)
We've had another nice weekend...Ayla stayed with Grandma and Grandpa on Friday night so we could go on a date! :) We went out to Johnny's Steakhouse at Village Pointe and enjoyed a nice, relaxing dinner. It was so great to be able to really take our time and just sit and talk. I think we need to do it more often.
On Saturday morning, I slept in til 9:00! It was awwwwesome. I was a total bum for a couple of hours and then I headed out to get Miss Ayla at Grandma and Grandpa's. We watched the [horribly disappointing] Husker game. Seriously. It was probably the worst game I've ever watched. Enough said.
And today, we went to Paige and Paxton's first birthday party! They were both digging their cupcakes...frosting everywhere. :) Afterwards, we went down to Aunt Marla's place to say hi and hang out for a bit before having to head home for the night.
Another weekend gone...can you believe October is almost over?
1 comment:
I'm betting this is a phase...and hopefully a short one:) I know it's tough when it comes to sleeping schedules. We just want to them to sleep so they will be happier!!:) Hang in there!
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