Until yesterday.
I glanced at the video monitor and saw that she was still snoozing at nearly 8:30 a.m. (really late for her). Aubree was content so I figured I'd get some dishes done before Ayla got up. She usually yells, "MOMMY, COME IN!!!!" but all I heard was, "Hi Mommy." and I remember thinking, "weird, the monitor sounds different." I happened to look up and there she was in the living room. I did a double-take. I know most of you are thinking, "big deal, so your kid got out of bed." But seriously, she has never done this, so it was weird to see her. I honestly don't mind her coming out of her room on her own in the mornings, we just told her not to get out so we wouldn't find her wandering around the house at three in the morning. Hopefully that doesn't start. She told me that she's a big girl and can get out of bed on her own...for some reason, she said Daddy told her that, but he didn't. :) Must have dreamed it or something. One of these nights, I'm going to open my eyes while still in bed and see her staring back at me. That'll freak me out a little.
And on another note, we're trying to inch Aubree toward an earlier bedtime. She used to drink her last bottle around 10:30 or even later, but we have her fed and down just a bit sooner lately. I'm wondering if she even needs that last bottle though. Most of the time, she doesn't even wake up for it anymore; we just pick her up and feed her out of fear that if we skip it, she'll be up at five in the morning. And she doesn't drink a whole lot before passing out again. We're also trying to eliminate her pacifier at night. She's able to fall asleep without it because she's so tired but when she stirs in the middle of the night, we normally go plug her back in and she zonks out again. Kind of tiring after the third or fourth time. Last night, she woke up and talked for a couple minutes...we left her alone and she fell asleep. Woo-hoo!
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