I had a busy, but nice weekend! On Saturday, Dean and I went to a friend's wedding and then a group of us went out to a (smoke-free) wine bar afterwards...it was really fun to be able to get all dressed up and to be among good friends for an evening. It was a late night...I think it was 2:30 in the morning by the time we went to bed!
On Sunday morning, Dean and I met our families downtown at the French Cafe for Mother's Day brunch. I didn't know if I counted as a mom yet, so I was suprised and touched at all the well-wishes I received throughout the day! Dean gave me card and wrote a very sweet message in it that made me cry. He HATES picking out cards and trying to come up with what to write in them, so it meant a lot to me that he took the time to do it. I also received a card "from the baby"...my brother decided to get creative...it was sooo cute! He wrote it with his left hand so it would look like little kid handwriting.
I'm still feeling great...just a few aches and pains to report..the same tailbone issue and my lower back has been a little achy and feels tight. Nothing TOO bad though. I've noticed that I can't seem to move as quickly when it comes to things like getting out of the car or climbing out of bed, etc.
I haven't been sleeping as well lately. I've been obsessed with trying not to sleep in my back but it never fails, every time I wake up during the night (which is quite often), I'm on my back. I know as I get bigger, the "problem" will solve itself as I probably won't be able to sleep that way anymore.
My appetite seems to be increasing exponentially...a little bit scary. I feel like all I do is eat! People have asked me if I'm craving anything and I say "Yes. Food."
I've been feeling more movement!! It's the coolest feeling! I've found that if I sit or lay back with my feet out in front of me, it only takes a few minutes before I start to feel little bumps and flutters. Crazy!!
Dean and I have a trip planned for Memorial Day weekend! We are going to Tucson, Arizona. Why Tucson? Because we bid on and won ExpressJet plane tickets at a fundraiser several weeks ago and there are only three destinations to choose from--San Diego (we went there a few months ago), Los Angeles, or Tucson. We wanted to go somewhere nice and relaxing AND neither of us has ever been to Arizona. We're really excited for it! We're calling this our "babymoon"...a getaway before our little PIP arrives!