Everything went really well--we found out that I am 8 weeks and 1 day today and that my due date is October 16, 2008...so only a few days later than what I had guessed!
The nurse asked me how I am with getting blood drawn...I told her I didn't love it, so she had me lay down on the table while she drew it. Good idea, because I sometimes get a little light-headed even with one vial of blood. I'm a big baby. Dean was standing on the other side of me, holding my hand, and telling me about his day. I have no idea what he was saying...I was too busy thinking about the needle in my arm. The nurse was really good though...she took five (I think) tubes of blood in no time. That was the worst part of the appointment!
Since my cycles were so abnormal, they wanted to do an ultrasound in order to pinpoint how far along I am and to give me a due date. It was sooooooo cool!!! I think I needed to see that little blob on that screen to really convince me that I am, in fact, pregnant. It made it real. We were even able to see the little heart beating and flickering. It was beating at 180bpm, which they said was normal...it slows down a little by my next appointment. It may be one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. I think I could have sat and stared at that screen all day. We have two ultrasound pictures...I'll post one!

Thank you everyone for your guestbook entries...I love them...they make me all teary-eyed. Darn hormones.
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