Dean went to the grocery store this morning to grab some stuff for breakfast and he came home with roses for me...awwww.

We went to Nebraska Furniture Mart today to look at cribs, bedding, and rockers...we weren't planning on buying anything...just wanted to get some ideas and see what we like and don't like.
We're leaning towards dark wood for the crib...we found one we really liked...very sleek and simple. We didn't care for any of the rockers that we saw though. If the Mart doesn't have one, I don't know where else we're going to find one!
We also went over to Kid's Stuff and I found bedding that I really like if it's a boy. For a girl, I have a picture in my head of what I want it to look like, but so far, I have yet to find it. We still have plenty of time...
Still feeling pretty well...have a case of the "itchies" though! For a while, the area around my belly button was really itchy and now the entire area from the top of my chest to the bottom of my belly itches like CRAZY!!! I thought maybe it was a reaction to the lotion I was using, so I stopped using it for a couple days but it didn't help. Now I'm all red and splotchy from's like a giant mosquito bite! I'll have to ask the doctor about it at our next appointment on Friday!