We had Ayla's party the Saturday after her actual birthday at Sempeck's. It's a huge bowling alley/entertainment center. This is the first year she invited friends from school...we had nine little girls at the party that included those friends, other friends, her cousin Makayla, and of course, Aubree. :) Once everyone arrived, they started out with some bumper bowling. They were all pretty excited for it but once we hit the 3rd or 4th frame, interest really started waning. I think just bowling half the frames would've been perfect. After that, it was time for pizza, cupcakes, and presents. And once that was done, we headed over to the arcade/game area to play until the end of the party. :)
When we got home, Ayla wanted to dig in to her new gifts. |
Ayla and two of her friends took these pictures in the photo booth at Sempeck's. They all wanted this border because it was pink. Hilarious because it says "Bat Mitzvah" on it. :) |
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